
3dTotalTextures–Vol3:Bases&Layers·1/Checkon“I'mnotarobot”·2/Clickon“Clickheretocontinue”·3/Wait10seconds·4/Clickon“GetLinks”.,Asuperbcolectionofhandcraftedtextures.Researchedandpaintedby9artiststoincludecustombump,specularandalphamaps.,Thereareprosandconstousingthem.Theprosbeingquick,easy,highqualitytexturesthatcanbebenttoourspecificationwithminimal ...,Welcometo3DTotalTexturesVol1.Acollec...

3d Total Textures - Vol 3

3d Total Textures – Vol 3: Bases & Layers · 1/ Check on “I'm not a robot” · 2/ Click on “Click here to continue” · 3/ Wait 10 seconds · 4/ Click on “Get Links”.

3D TOTAL Archives

A superb colection of hand crafted textures. Researched and painted by 9 artists to include custom bump, specular and alpha maps.

3D Total Textures - Art Assets

There are pros and cons to using them. The pros being quick, easy, high quality textures that can be bent to our specification with minimal ...

Total Textures v1

Welcome to 3D Total Textures Vol 1. A collection of image maps designed for texturing geometry in 3D Applications. All image maps have been obtained from ...

Total Textures 19

供應中 The Total Textures 19-pack Bundle contains all 19 packs in the Total Textures collection. Ranging from human, creature and alien textures through to building, ...

Texturing Techniques (Download Only)

This eBook series takes a simple 3D scene, with a limited number of objects and a low-to-intermediate amount of geometry, and shows you how custom textures ...

使用Total Textures创建次时代环境贴图

在本教学的最后你会发现使用了3D Total Textures里的纹理列表,一些在本教学重包含的纹理也会提到哪些部分被使用到了。 ... 通常,一个艺术家完成整个建模和贴图制作过程会比较 ...

22G 三维纹理材质贴图大合集3D Total texture 1

【资源简介】 这套文字贴图共有19 DVD约22G大小:3D Total texture 1-19 DVD bundle 含丰富的高品质的内容:人类,生物,外星球纹理,建筑,环境,科幻, ...

Textures for 3D, graphic design and Photoshop!

Find any material you need in our giant library of PBR materials. Customize them for your project using flexible but easy-to-use parameters. Explore 3D Foliage · Explore 3D Ornaments · Library · Free Content